Folding Reformer
Folding Reformer Equipment is designed to use in a small studios or houses. It is great option for the studios with small spaces.
It is easily foldable and can be used at any place. Unlike the classic pilates reformer, this foldable reformer can travel with you. Thanks to its small sizes, it can be fit into the baggage of the vehicles.
Our patented portable reformer machine is suitable to use at the houses, offices or the outside.
Foldable reformer is equipped with an easy folding mechanism. Therefore, every user can collapse it in a minute. It is an ideal machine for the places with the limited space. The machine comes in a small box in 10 different colors. After folding, the machine becomes at the same dimension with the classic reformer machines. Smart reformer is appropriate for more than 200 exercises.

Advantages of Folding Reformers
Folding Pilates Reformer was designed to bring the benefits of a studio Pilates workout to the comfort of your own home. It does not need to have a space dedicated for your Pilates workout. Although designed for home use, the portable reformers shares many of the key features of the classic pilates reformers.
The foldable reformer is a self-contained machine which can be easily wheeled around. It can be stored safely out of the way by folding up. Therefore it does not need to take up any space when not in use. The reformer folds up in a few minutes into a compact and self-contained machine. Folding Reformer comes with the Box, Jump Board and Strap set together. So it can be used for jumping exercises using the Jump Board. It can be opened and closed by a single person with relative ease. The lifting weight is similar to lifting a heavy suitcase. So the user can open and close it easily without any support.
The machine can be in different color according to the customer request. The warranty period is 2 years.